김연아가 좋아하는 가수는 레이디가가(Lady Gaga)로 드러나 '기쁨'을 주고 있습니다.
김연아 미니홈피
김연아(Yuna Kim) 선수는 자신의 싸이월드 홈피에 배경음악을 깔아두고 있는데,
오직 레이디가가의 노래 두 곡만을 선정해 두었습니다.
김연아의 선택을 받은 레이디가가의 노래는 무엇일까요!!
1. Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) _Lady Gaga
Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)는 2009년 1월 발표되었습니다.
레이디가가 노래 중에 부드러운 곡에 속하네요. 'Summer Boy'와 함께 추천드리고 싶습니다.
2008년 Cherrytree Recording 스튜디오에서 녹음했네요.
Cherry Cherry Boom Boom (체리 체리 붐 붐~) 으로 시작하는 따뜻한 곡입니다.
Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) lyrics
cherry cherry boom boom
boy we've had a real good time
and I wish you the best
on your way, eh eh
I didn't mean to hurt you
I never thought we'd fall
out of place, eh eh
I have something that I love long long
but my friends keepa' tellin' me
that something's wrong
then I met someone
and eh, there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
I wish he never looked at me that way
eh eh, eh eh
there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
not that I don't care about you
just that things got so compliqué
eh eh
I met somebody cute and funny
got each other and that's funny
eh eh
I have something that I love long long
but my friends keepa' tellin' me
that something's wrong
then I met someone
and eh, there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
I wish he never looked at me that way
eh eh, eh eh
there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
I have something that I love long long
but my friends keepa' tellin' me
that something's wrong
then I met someone
and eh, there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
I wish he never looked at me that way
eh eh, eh eh
there's nothing else I can say
eh eh, eh eh
eh eh, cherry cherry, boom boom
eh eh, eh eh
oh, yeah
all I can say is eh eh
2. Beautiful, Dirty, Rich _Lady Gaga
레이디 가가 자신이 좋아하는 곡으로 알려져 있는데요. 말 그대로 '아름답고', '더럽고', '돈 밝히는' 것을 노래하고 있는 곡입니다.