다음은 OECD가 발표한 OECD 평균실업률, OECD 국가별 실업률 추이입니다.
2009년 4월 10일 발표한 바에 따르면, OECD 평균실업률은 2009년 2월에 7.3%를 돌파했습니다.
전년동기에 비하면 거의 모든 국가가 실업률이 증가한 가운데, 미국, 영국, 프랑스, 캐나다 및 주요 7개 국가가 높은 실업률 증가를 보여주고 있습니다.
국가별로 실업률을 보면
10% 이상 : 스페인(15.5%), 아일랜드, 터키(2008.12)
9% 이상 : 포르투갈
8% 이상 : 프랑스, 캐나다(2009.03), 미국(2009.03), 헝가리, 유럽전역 평균
7% 이상 : 벨기에, 캐나다, 독일, 폴란드, 스웨덴, OECD 평균, 유럽연합 평균
6% 이상 : 핀란드, 영국(2008.12)
5% 이상 : 호주, 룩셈브르크
4% 이상 : 오스트리아, 체코, 덴마크, 일본, 한국(2009.03), 멕시코
3% 이상 :
2% 이상 : 네델란드
실업률 증감율로 보면, (전년동기 대비)
스페인, 미국, 아일랜드 등이 높은 실업률 증가를 보여주고 있고,
OECD 전체 평균 실업률 증감율은 전년 동기 대비 1.7% 입니다.
한국의 경우에는 최근 지표들에서 증가율 추세가 강화되어 나타나고 있습니다.
다음은 OECD 해설 자료입니다.
OECD unemployment rate rises to 7.3% in February 2009
The unemployment rate for the OECD area was 7.3% in February 2009, 0.3 percentage point
higher than the previous month and 1.7 percentage points higher than a year earlier.
In the Euro area, the unemployment rate was 8.5% in February 2009, 0.2 percentage point higher
than the previous month and 1.3 percentage points higher than a year earlier. For the United States, the
unemployment rate for March 2009 was 8.5%, 0.4 percentage point higher than the previous month and
3.5 percentage points higher than a year earlier. For Japan, the rate was 4.4% in February 2009,
0.3 percentage point higher than the previous month and 0.5 percentage point higher than in
February 2008.
In February 2009, the unemployment rate for France was 8.6%, 0.1 percentage point higher than
the previous month and 1.0 percentage point higher than a year earlier. For Germany, the rate was 7.4% in
February 2009, 0.1 percentage point higher than the previous month but 0.2 percentage point lower than in
February 2008. For Canada, the unemployment rate was 8.0% in March 2009, 0.3 percentage point higher
the previous month and 1.9 percentage points higher than a year earlier. In December 2008, the rate in the
United Kingdom was 6.4%, 0.1 percentage point higher than the previous month and 1.4 percentage
points higher than in December 2007. In December 2008, the rate in Italy was 6.9%, the same as the
previous month and 0.5 percentage point higher than in December 2007.
The latest unemployment rates for other OECD countries and geographic groupings, as well as
historical data, can be downloaded from the OECD online data dissemination facility OECD.Stat Extracts
at: http://stats.oecd.org/wbos/Default.aspx?QueryName=251&QueryType=View&Lang=en.
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